
Monday, March 18, 2013

Warm Bodies: Badan Sejuk Beku, Hati Berbunga2

Salam Petang orang bumi...

Bosan. Perkataan paling best nak summarize kehidupan aku skarang. Dindong busy buat DIPOM. So, aku terpaksa la buat aktiviti sendirian berhad.

Anyway, sabtu lepas aku lepak2 ngan akak aku. Aku pon suggest ktorang gi tengok Warm Bodies sebab trailer cambest je. Along macam biasa. Agak sceptical bila aku cakap citer ni pasal zombie sebab beliau terbayang Zombie kampong pisang. Tapi bila aku cakap pasal citer ni romantic, die ingat cam Twilight. So, kami masuk ke hall dengan harapan untuk menonton citer ala2 genetically modified version of I am Legend and Twilight.

Oh no.... Citer ni teramat la best walaupon storyline die simple. Penceritaan best, set best, pelakon best.. yang paling best: Dialogue.

Sekarang ni aku tengah sibuk nak baca buku die plak.

Seriously, team Edward Cullen...Please pack your bag and join Team R. Why?

1. He's hot

2. He's pale but not shining like a diamond
3. Got a sexy voice
4. He doesn't have any intention to feast on his girlfriend
5. He's not a thousand years old
6. Has a good fashion sense
7. He does not talk like robot, although he got some trouble saying things fast

In a nut shell, he's a zombie version of L (L here means L from Death Note dan buakannya Infinite L)

Ade sesape nak teman tengok lagi skali?

P/s: Some twilight fans are butthurts with the fact that this movie is farrrr better than twilight. I mean, the first instalment was great but the following is drain-level quality.

Arghhhhh, he's a nosebleed T_T

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